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3 Session Bundle


with Dr Adeela Afiz

Body WhisperingGroup Healing - 3 Session bundle

June 1st, June 8th, June 15th

Join Dr Adeela Afiz for 3 Body Whispering Sessions designed to generate and facilitate you and your body to greater healing, peace and immunity.

3 SessionOnline Body Whispering

1st, 8th, 15th June 2021

Global Time Here

If you and your body are currently experiencing stress, illness or trauma or would simply like to experience the benefits of reconnecting with the power, strength and intelligence of your true self, these cutting edge and deeply healing sessions will provide you with that experience.

Body Whispering Sessions facilitate and work on your body, mind and energy to recalibrate, reconcile you to your natural state of health and amplify the true essence of you as a powerful and conscious being.

This special 3 session bundle will focus on:


1st June 2021

Amplifying your body's ability to heal and to release anything that no longer serves you and is holding you back from true healing at all levels of mind, body and energy.


8 June 2021

Finding peace with and in all areas of your life. Peace is a very powerful state of being, it helps you to stay in your power even whilst surrounded by chaos and to be able to contribute to changing situations without being triggered or polarised by your past experiences or what is currently happening around you. Being at peace in your mind, body and energy is a supercharger for healing. 


15 June 2021

Immunity to illness, immunity to weakness, immunity from the effects of the negativety happening around the world allows you to heal quicker, be  more resilient to stress and illness and able to stay immune from the physical and energetic stressors in our environments. 


This 3 session bundle will help you expand and manage your energy to stay in the highest vibrational state.

For the first time

Dr Adeela Afiz is offering a 3 session bundle of healing sessions

For the first time, Dr Adeela Afiz is offering a 3 session bundle of healing sessions at a greatly discounted rate to help facilitate change for those who are seeking it during these turbulent times.

3 Body Whispering Group Sessions with Dr Adeela Afiz for the special price of:



What others are saying about Body Whispering Sessions:

Session Pricing

Body Whispering Session Bundle

  • 1st June - Healing & Change
  • 8th June - Healing & Peace
  • 15th June - Healing & Immunity
  • Lifetime Access to replays